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Corvee Adds Depreciation and Amortization Functions to Instead

With Instead and Instead Pro, users can utilize depreciation to find and compare tax savings for assets categorized as residential, nonresidential, technology and ...

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Corvee, a software and solutions company serving small and medium-size businesses as well as tax and accounting firms, has added ntegration of depreciation and amortization tax savings strategies into Instead and Instead Pro.

With Instead and Instead Pro, users can utilize depreciation to find and compare tax savings for assets categorized as residential, nonresidential, technology and electronics, office furniture and fixtures, vehicles, land improvements and specialty properties.

This latest feature gives users the means to:

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  • Compare depreciation methods to maximize savings by toggling between all depreciation methods and combinations.
  • Accelerate depreciation when planning to sell assets with easy calculations and planning for any additional depreciation recapture tax.
  • Visualize savings of different depreciation options over a multiyear period to provide additional savings insights.

“We wanted to give businesses and the tax professionals who support them an easy way to plan and account for the depreciation of assets,” states Andrew Argue, CEO and co-founder of Corvee. “This latest feature provides users with the ability to easily toggle between all the different options that exist when it comes to depreciation to optimize the tax savings they are able to achieve.”

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